Jul 12, 2016

Platform specific redirect overrides? You got it

Platform Redirects

You can already tweak Adjust’s redirection logic extensively - to send users to different Stores, websites, or wherever else you might want to. On the one hand, you might want to send Android users to the Google Play Store (or Amazon, or Mobogenie, or any other store for that matter), and iOS users to iTunes. On the other hand, you might want to track a campaign pointing to your website.

But what if you wanted to do both of those things for the same tracker?

Adjust’s latest addition to its redirect logic makes this possible, meaning that you can now override your app settings to e.g. redirect your iOS users to one landing page and your Android users to another.

This is accomplished by appending the following redirect parameters to your tracking links:

  • redirect_ios
  • redirect_android
  • redirect_windows
  • redirect_windows-phone

You can use any of these in combination and also specify for all users of one OS to be redirected to one URL (and all other users to another) by using redirect_ios= in addition to redirect=. The more specific parameter would override the general setting.

Entering this multiple platform redirect as your custom URL would apply it to all trackers in your dashboard. But it is also possible to do this on a tracker by tracker basis. Imagine you want to create tracker for an email campaign but also to redirect users to different URLs based on OS. This allows maximum flexibility no matter what the demands of your campaigns.

Read how to set this up here.