Dec 19, 2017

Greater insight into your users’ Native LTV with the Attribution Source Filter

We recently told you that you weren’t getting the full picture when it comes to LTV. Today, we’re happy to announce our new attribution source filter, which will finally provide you with your user’s native LTV.

Previously, users in your dashboard who downloaded your app were either categorized as installs or (if they had been successfully re-engaged) as re-attributions. A user was only able to have one source. Once they were reattributed from their original UA source, that source would no longer receive any value from future engagements. Only the most recent reattribution source would receive that value. This meant that it was quite tricky to understand the absolute LTV of a user’s original acquisition source (or first source).

The attribution source filter gives you new choices - you can view a user’s in-app activity as first source (and look only at their original UA source) or as dynamic source in your dashboard, which allows you to see all of the sources to which they were reattributed via your re-engagement and retargeting campaigns. Users are no longer limited to the last source.

If your user is retargeted or re-engaged, you now have the option to go back and see the LTV of their original acquisition source - the one that led them to install - across their entire journey, no matter how many times they’re re-engaged and reattributed. The attribution source filter won’t change a user’s current source, but it will show you how much value their original attribution source truly has.

Additionally you will be able to view a new KPI in your dashboard: deattributions. A deattribution is the first time a user is reattributed away from their source of install. Native LTV measures when a user has been deattributed from a first source, giving you a consistent source of truth. Evaluate the quality of your advertising sources - which ones bring you the most engaged users or the users who need more attention. This KPI is only available when first source is selected, and essentially tells you how many users were "reattributed away" from their first source (install tracker) during the selected time period.

The benefits of Native LTV

With the attribution source filter you’ll get an in-dashboard look at the entire picture:

  • Discover the acquisition sources that are re-engaging the most users and weed out those where users aren’t re-engaging and are churning heavily.
  • Check out which original UA sources are worth the most over time - over your user’s entire lifetime.
  • Use the attribution source filter to find out where the users who are mostly likely to be successfully re-engaged are coming from and scale up with those networks. If you’ve got a shopping app, you’ll want to be able to tell your users who never need to be reattributed apart from those who need a bit of extra prodding.
  • The attribution source filter allows you to separate your highest value users even further so you can tell apart your high maintenance users from those who bring you the best value.
  • What’s the final outcome? A smarter-allocated marketing budget with custom insights into user behavior at the granular level.

Showing native LTV of user acquisition source (first source) within the dashboard is a unique and exclusive feature to Adjust. The era of querying reports and dragging in user IDs in order to find first-source values is over.

You can find both the Attribution source filter (first/dynamic) and the attribution status filter (installed/reattributed/dattributed/all) in your dashboard. Different combinations of these two settings will provide different outcomes and insights, allowing you to, for example, view a user’s  first source and reattributed users only, their dynamic source with installs and re-attributions, and more.

Got questions? Read more here.

Want a better way to calculate your LTV?