Oct 14, 2020

Sign me up! Get started with subscription tracking

Subscription tracking is a powerful tool for subscription-based app marketers. Using subscription data, you can better understand the real LTV of your subscribers and the value of your marketing spend to optimize future campaigns.

Subscription-based apps are growing in popularity - and in app stores’ revenue share. Marketers want to see the bigger picture of where their users are coming from, calculate the ROAS of their marketing efforts, and ultimately understand their subscribers’ full lifetime value.

Adjust’s subscription solution

With Adjust’s subscription tracking solution, you can now measure signups for trial periods and measure conversions to paying subscribers. This offers clear insight into the ROI of your trials, as well as helping to pinpoint what are the aspects that make users convert.

Your subscription data can also be used for effective retargeting campaigns. Calculate the LTV of your users, and benefit from Adjust’s two-year lookback on uninstall and dormant data.

How does it work?

Adjust’s subscription solution leverages purchase verification technology. We use receipts to communicate with different app stores and confirm the status of different user actions. For example, we can determine whether a purchase is a conversion from a free trial to a paid subscription, a subscription renewal, or a cancellation.

Try it out now

As part of Adjust’s Subscription package, this simple, unified solution means all you need to get started is the Adjust SDK. No new integrations and no extra resources required.

To find out more, you can visit our Help Center. To try it out for yourself, get in touch with your Adjust liaison or sales@adjust.com.