May 12, 2015

Adjust now supports Xamarin

We’re releasing our Adjust SDK for Xamarin today - the latest framework to be added to our list of supported environments. The Xamarin SDK is a fully-featured packaging of the iOS and Android SDKs, and with it, we can make data work for you in C#. We’ll shortly add the Windows SDK to the Xamarin package as well.

You can find the Xamarin SDK on Github here.

Xamarin is a cross-platform framework, written in C#, to make it easier to write and produce apps for multiple platforms.

Naturally, we prefer to allow you to work with the platform of choice and still be able to use the sophisticated functionality of the Adjust SDK. With Xamarin, we’ve brought the list of supported platforms up to 7:

Due to the nature of Xamarin, the Adjust SDK is bundled as a compiled DLL, and not as raw C# source code. This is very similar to how we’ve done it for e.g. Unity in the past. It’s still very much the same code as our other SDKs, though, so you can always check out what’s going on in the background.